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Thanks to its central location on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the Marina offers a convenient sea access to all major yacht destinations in the country.



Max. LOA

31 м


40 т

Thanks to its central location on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, the Marina offers a convenient sea access to all major yacht destinations in the country.



Max. LOA

31 м


40 т

Whether you are interested in a permanent hometown or you want to visit us only during the hottest summer months, you can rely on us for a suitable berth for your yacht.

If you just pass by here or want to visit us for a few days, Marina Dinevi maintains free berths for transit passing yachts.

Excellent Infrastructure

The Marina Dinevi was built as a private port with aquatory of 45 000 sq. m. and an adjoining area of 23 000 sq.m. Three main piers and five floating pontoons with a total length of the quay front of 1330 m provide the marina with 300 berths for yachts with a length of 5.00 to 31.00 meters.

Diversity of Services

The Marina Dinevi Yacht port is equipped with world class equipment and as a modern yacht center it offers everything necessary for the safe storage, maintenance and operation of your yacht. The variety of port services at the Marina is complemented by a number of additional amenities and opportunities for recreation and entertainment.

polite attitude

polite attitude

Current wind, waves, and weather, St. Vlas

7:08 am
5:38 pm
Local Time (UTC +3)
4:25 pm
0 m
Detailed forecast:

www.windfinder.com   |   www.windy.com   |   www.meteo.bg

high ecological standards

Preserving the environment is a major priority of the management of Marina Dinevi